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(y/n)" co=0 ""182 'co=800 58035::5 )"n"Ʀ"y":co=co+1:185 ="n"7000X ^58035::1;0,8;" " 61;3,4;"THE MILLITOID ASSIGNMENT" i1;"Mission: To destroy five 'millitoids' in each of the following zones:" _1;" 1) The Maze of Death 2) The Paradox Zone 3) The Flatlands" 1;"Android 2 will be transported toeach of these zones in turn where he must destroy the five millitoids before RETURNING to the ORIGINAL transporter capsuleto travel to the next zone." r1;"But Android 2 must act quickly as the transporter capsule will leave after a short period of time." *""298* ,`0,11 :255,0:1;21,0;"> Press any key to continue." -i58080:1;4;0,8;" " .=""302. 58035::1;0,0;" ANDROID 2 :Equipped with head mounted photon blaster and unlimited power." L1;'" MILLITOID :Shoot the HEAD three times to kill it." >1;'" HOVERDROID Track-Info  R :One blast will kill this one." <1;'" BOUNCER :Indestructable but predictable." D1;'" LANDMINE :Walk on this and you'll loose a life." n1;'" TRANSPORTER CAPSULE :Once left it is inaccessible until all five millitoids are destroyed." &""550& 0d0,11 :255,0:1;21,0;"> Press any key to continue " :58080 Z=""602Z <58035::1;0,0;"STATUS REPORTS" n=69 :1;n,4;"|":n:1;2,4;"White =0 Hits";4;"Yellow=1 Hit";4;"Cyan =2 Hits";4;"Black =3 Hits" T1;7,11 ;"Players Score- 240 | High Score- 23640" a1;10 ,4;"Millitoids Destroyed-";12 ,1;"Android Lives remaining-" ڡ1;14,0;"Time left before capsule departure-";17,5;"Radar and Direction Indicator-" ""1000 S0,11 :255,0:1;21,0;"> Press any key" 858080:509997:51927:55981 jn=10 15:n,25;"":n:1;7;10 ,25;"-";12 ,25;"-" x10 ,26;"-";12 ,26;"-";1;18,24;"-";2;0;15,25;" " n=""1902n 58035: -1;0,0;"KEYBOARD LAYOUT" t1;16,0;"1=UP Q=DOWN O=LEFT P=RIGHT Select game controls:" `1;"Press 'K' for Keyboard 'J' for Kempston joystick interface" ""2005 V58080:n=214:0;n,2;" ":n X1,4;" ";3,3;"ZX Spectrum" 5,2;"";9 ,26;"";10 ,25;"";11 ,25;"";12 ,23;"";13 ,25;"";14,21;"" -7,3;"1 " -9 ,5;"Q OP" .11 ,5;" " 413 ,3;" FIRE " .="j"Ŧ="J"49526v,0:2060  .="k"Ŧ="K"49526v,1:2060   2051  58035::1;3,0;"The game is over when either:"''" (1)Android 2 has sustained five direct hits;"''" (2)The time available for the mission has elapsed." 1;'"If you complete the 'Millitoid Assignment', you will be immediately awarded a new, more hazardous mission!" >""2110> @`0,11 :255,0:1;21,0;"> Press any key to continue." B58080 H=""2120H R58035::30 17:1:1:32999:0 X58035: Z1;0;6;8,6;"":n=9 12 :1;0;6;n,6;" ":n:1;0;6;13 ,6;"" \j1;0;6;10 ,9 ;"PREPARE";11 ,7;"FOR COMBAT!":2,-2 b'z=55472:n=0502:n v1;0;6;8,6;"":n=9 12 :1;0;6;n,6;" ":n:1;0;6;13 ,6;"" z=27100 1;0;6;9 ,8;"GAME OVER";11 ,8;"ANDROID 2";12 ,8;"DESTROYED":7200  1;0;6;9 ,8;"TOO LATE!";10 ,7;"TRANSPORTER";11 ,9 ;"CAPSULE";12 ,9 ;"LEAVING"  -3,-10 :58035::30 8zTrack-Info R         PLUS3DOS. =1:1:1:32999:23614>\,0 F7;10 ,11 ;"ANDROID 2";12 ,12 ;"LOADING" "and21":"and22":"and2bas" PLUS3DOS. =1:1:1:32999:23614>\,0 F7;10 ,11 ;"ANDROID 2";12 ,12 ;"LOADING" "and21":"and22":"and2bas" Track-Info R         Track-Info R         Track-Info R         Track-Info R         Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info R         Track-Info ! R!!!!!!!!! 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